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Shell Eggs Market News

Egg Market Update


Liquid and Shell Egg Market News

August 16, 2024
Source: USDA AMS Livestock & Poultry Program, Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Division Egg Markets Overview


Source: USDA AMS Livestock & Poultry Program, Livestock, Poultry, and Grain Market News Division Egg Markets Overview

Negotiated wholesale prices for graded loose eggs continued to move higher. While
demand in the loose egg sector is light to moderate, cartoned demand from the retail
sector remains moderate to good, driving much of the rise. Offerings remain light to very
light while supplies are in a range from very light to moderate. Trading is active. The
volume of trailer load loose egg sales this week increased 81% with 58% of trading for
out-front business. Prices for national trading of trucklot quantities of graded, loose,
White Large shell eggs increased $0.45 to $3.25 per dozen with a higher undertone.
Wholesale prices for formula trading of cartoned shell eggs continued higher on moderate
to good demand for light offerings. Supplies are light to moderate and trading is active.
The wholesale price on the New York market for Large cartoned shell eggs delivered to
retailers increased sharply.

The overall shell egg inventory decreased nearly 4%, 18% below year ago levels, and the
national inventory of Large class shell eggs declined 8%. Stocks of Large shell eggs in the
key Midwest cleared over 27% as eggs moved into retail channels to support increased
consumer demand for the start of the new school year. This is the lowest recorded
inventory of Large eggs in the Midwest since the first weeks of the COVID-19 pandemic
in April 2020 when consumer demand for shell eggs reached hoarding proportions. 


As of July 2024, cage-free commitments remain about unchanged, requiring an estimated
66.7 billion cage-free eggs per year to meet 100% of needs from an approximate cage-
free flock of 221.4 million hens (72.7% of the U.S. non-organic flock), indicating a shortage
of 121 million hens from the current non-organic cage-free flock of 100.7 million hens.
The average lay rate for non-organic, barn/aviary cage-free production for the month is
estimated at 82.6%.

Cage Free Expansion Chart


Wholesale prices for certified liquid whole eggs are higher with a higher undertone.
Demand is moderate to very good for light offerings. Trading is moderate to active.
Wholesale prices on frozen egg products are untested with a higher undertone with liquid
whole egg last quoted at $1.80 per pound and frozen liquid white prices at $1.50 per
pound. The undertone is firm to higher with light to moderate and decreasing demand.
Supplies are light and trading is mostly moderate. Prices for whole dried eggs are untested
and last quoted at $7.25 per pound as were prices for dried yolk, last quoted at $6.25 per
pound. Dried albumen remains too few to report. The undertone is firm to higher with a
full range of demand for light to very light offerings and light supplies. Trading is mostly

Source: USDA Egg Market News